What is the antonym of "to get used to"?

Solution 1:

"Wean" seems to be the closest word to what you're looking for:

wean somebody off/from something (phrasal verb): to make someone gradually stop doing something you disapprove of:

advice on how to wean yourself off nicotine

to detach from a source of dependence:

being weaned off the medication

wean the bears from human food

also : to free from a usually unwholesome habit or interest:

wean him off his excessive drinking

weaning them from habits of violence — Geoffrey Carnall

However, "getting out of the habit of ..." is a very clear and understandable phrase.


A few other alternatives from subscription-only LDOCE (See the last item which is quite an antonym, but still different in the meaning):

leave off (phrasal verb): to stop doing something:

'Will you leave off nagging?' he snarled.

break/kick a habit (=stop doing something that is bad for you):

I've smoked for years, but I really want to kick the habit.

unaccustomed (formal) unaccustomed to (doing) something: not used to something:

a country boy, unaccustomed to city ways

Register: In everyday English, people usually say that they are not used to something rather than unaccustomed to it.

Solution 2:

try dishabituate:

To render unaccustomed to or unfamiliar with.