Name for second mail accounts used only for unimportant websites to avoid being spammed

As the title suggests, what is the name or the best way of referring to the second mail accounts many users on the internet open only for unimportant websites in order to avoid being spammed.

Disposable mail addresses are another thing, and spam mail accounts is too generic and would conflict with thousand of results searches for "how to avoid spam on my mail account".

EDIT: They also are not throwaway addresses or temporary emails because people use them for extended periods of time and even forever as "unofficial email" just for unimportant websites.

Solution 1:

I call mine my 'secondary' email address. 'Auxiliary' might also suit the purpose, since the concepts of supplementary, helpful, and kept in reserve are implied by its definition.

Solution 2:

Some people refer to these as a spambox, a portmanteau of spam and inbox. I don't have a reference for this as more sources assume you're asking about a spam or junk mail folder, so you just have to take this as an anecdote.

Note that there is a temporary email service called that acts as an auto-expiring auxiliary email address (like 10-minute-mail but more configurable and auto-forwarding to an email you provide). However, I maintain that this is a newer usage of the term spambox (as was registered in 2006).

Solution 3:

Your public email address, which you use for accounts that are likely to sell your address, in contrast to your private email address, which you give only to your friends.