The book one receives upon graduation to cherish the times spent at school

The word candidates I can come up with are:

  1. Scrapbook. A conglomeration of photos and short texts that aren't necessarily related to one another.
  2. Album. Same as photo book.
  3. Memento book. Different from memento mori, it is life not death that should be conveyed to the reader, who then needs to answer the question "Are you now living your life as fully as you have had during your school years?"
  4. Memoirs. Same as autobiographies.

Edit: While yearbook comes close to what I am looking for, the book should be a highlight of the things done by a student throughout ALL his/her years at the school. Maybe "yearsbook"? But as @vidget suggested, there is no such word in the dictionary, so I'll accept yearbook.

Solution 1:

We always just called them yearbooks. But these were the same ones we could purchase at the end of every school year, so not sure if that's different from something particular to graduation.

Solution 2:

Sure, it's a "yearbook". Certainly in USA-English, where the concept is most popular.