How should I go about finding a guild in WoW?

What strategies do you use to find the right guild for you in World of Warcraft?
Forums? Trade chat?
Should I be willing to realm transfer?

Solution 1:

You should be willing to transfer but I don't think it's good to blindly transfer.

There are many ways to look for a guild and your process has to change based on what you want out of a guild. Here are some methods from least involved to most involved.

1) trade chat: lots of guild advertise there. Pick one and try it.. if you don't like them try another.

2) PUG: Jump in random groups. If you like some one ask them about their guild. You can learn about tons of guilds that way.

3) apply: Lots of the top raiding guilds have an application process. These guilds are more serious about the content they play and PUG random people less so you might not meet them while trying to find random groups.

Important things to consider when looking for a guild are times of the day you are free and if that is when your new guild plans on runing guild events like raids and pvp. Some guilds focus more on results and less on the social side of the game. Knowing what you want out of a guild can go a long way to finding a good guild.

Solution 2:

It depends on the guild you want to find. If you're looking for a serious raider guild, there's pugs, trade chat, recruitment ads on popular forums, etc.

However, if you value intelligent chat over we kild LK lol, look for people who write complete and grammatically correct sentences, wherever you may find them. Also, girls: a guild with lots of girls has a much better probability of sane chat and members, simply because they'd leave if they were harassed by their own guildies.

Solution 3:

I think the best way is to join a lot of groups and find people that you like playing with, then ask them for an invite to their guild. If you enjoy playing with someone and they take you under their wing for a guild invite you'll already have a leg up by knowing someone.