What stealth elements are there in BioShock 2?

Solution 1:

From what I known from playing Bioshock 2 as stealthy as possible:

  1. You will get sneak bonus if you manage to kill the enemy unalarmed (which are unseen, quietly, no bell alert ringing etc)
  2. Enemy will react to sound, especially gunshots and bell alert. But before they can hunt you down, they must seek you first
  3. Different surface will produce different level of sound, so stealth while on a pool of water = not good
  4. Crouching and darkness/shadows will improve stealth.
  5. You can indeed sneak up enemies from their back, as long as they don't turn their head around
  6. Hiding from a different floor level works (exp. you on the 2nd floor, bad guys below the stairs) but watch out for noises (walking, grinning with your drill etc)
  7. Alerted enemy will hunt you down for a period of time before they continue their routine. They will also alert each other and will search for your at the last spot they thought you were
  8. Stealth killing enemy near another enemy WILL alert them although they don't see you (because of the noise)

I don't know about changing game difficulty will or will not affect detection BUT anything I told you doesn't really matter TBH because once you're spotted, gunning them down is way easier than run and hide. Honestly this game is a shooting game and stealth is not a way to enjoy it.

Solution 2:

In addition to (and contrary to some points of) this other answer, and from my experience:

  • Enemies will only react to weapon sounds if you are near them. I have used the spear gun from a far location and occasionally missed enemies by a few inches and hit wall or objects near the enemy. They never noticed that they're being shot at (probably because of the distance).

  • Surface is not a factor in sneaking. The speed of your walking is more of a factor (you are less likely to be noticed if you're walking slowly or crouch-walking).

  • Shadows or light levels do not seem to be a factor at all.