Is it possible to reduce Starcraft 2's disk footprint?

Is it possible to minimize disk space usage?

I only want to play multiplayer anyway and the biggest chunk of the download is the campaign.

Since the multiplayer game is playable after only 10% of the whole download, I am wandering if one could simply stop it there somehow?

It seems you can delete some folders and save lots of GB:

I tried this, but the folders I deleted are immediately re-downloaded at the next start via Battlenet. Maybe you have to start it differently?

Can you create a batch script that does the job?

What about updates? Is this even possible without repairing those missing folders?

Solution 1:

If you don't have enough space on your internal drive follow these steps:

  1. install StarCraft 2 on an external drive and once it reaches the first step where it says "optimal" in green you pause the download.

  2. If you don't want to use your external drive every time you play, you can move the install folder now to your internal drive

  3. search in the client for the Folder where you moved it and resume download but pause at the optimal green step again.

This way you only need about 5gb

Solution 2:

Its not possible, everytime you open the game, the game will check for updates, will check your files, and if they dont match it will download/redownload them (to avoid corruption/keep you up to date). If you try to erase some folders, you will most likely end up with a corrupt installation. I suggest you try erasing something else from your computer.

Even if you managed to erase those files, everytime you open your game launcher updates would download those files again, and you will need the space for the game anyways in order to play.