Skyrim Very Long Load Times!

So I was looking forward to wasting more of my life playing this game until the load times increased dramatically and the in-game lag also increased.

The load time when the game is first loaded is around 2-3 minutes, when I die the load time is around 7 minutes and counting...I eventually get frustrated and just restart the game.

I've tried the following with no success:

  • Deleted Saved games (Only 2 Saves left)
  • Installed game to Hard drive
  • Turned off all 3 auto saves

Solution 1:

I notice higher lag times when I have more loot stored. I sell off all my loot and load times decrease. My load times have never exceeded about 2 mins. I'm playing on 360's HDD.

Solution 2:

I believe the load times have a lot to do with how far back you're loading.

I've noticed that if I save often, or have a lot of auto-saves like in a dungeon, the load-times seem to be fairly short. When I haven't saved in a long time, the load-times are almost unbearable.

Based on that, I assume that when you load the game will run through the current game-state and compare it to the game-state you're loading and changes pieces instead of just dumping one and loading the other.

Unfortunately, turning up your auto-save frequency creates some ugly lag when you do things like load your menus. Still, maybe try maxing out your auto-saves so you're saving as often as possible and see if that helps.