When did Lady Comstock die?

To be specific, I don't believe they're 'time-jumps' exactly. That implies forward and backward movement along the timeline. I think they're more sideways, alternate realities leading to different actions which cause events to occur at different times.

Eg. Booker had already died in one timeline... So maybe Lady Comstock died at an earlier time in one time line than in another? (It has been a while) I vaguely remember there was a hint that she actually committed suicide?

So it's a possibility that in one timeline she died in 1893, (earlier so possibly the suicide timeline?) and in another she was murdered by Daisy (1895).

Eg. If you look at this (incredibly crude and generalised) timeline I drew up, you can see my argument:

enter image description here

These are mostly speculation due to a lapse in my memory since I have last played, and that you can never really pinpoint exactly what is happening when.

Also I think it is important to note that while there are events of Time Travel in game (First time you see Elizabeth, she opens a portal to modern day Paris; multiple non-interactive tears playing music form the 50s - 80s; The section during the attack on New York), most of the tears Elizabeth opens are sideways jumps through time, rather than forward or backward.