Steam error: Could not connect to a network on Windows 10

As above, error occurs randomly and prevents you from logging in to your Steam account.
Here the catch; I already found (sketchy) solution that works - therefore, following Stack Overflow customs I'm going to post it and accept it. Others are free to contribute.

Following solutions does not work:

  1. Rebooting computer.
  2. Removing any .blob files from Steam folder.
  3. Disabling/removing antivirus software.
  4. Reinstalling Steam.

  1. Disable Steam startup on boot.
  2. Add -tcp to the Steam link pointing to Steam starting location - it should look like this:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -tcp

  3. Start Steam using said link. It will fail to connect to Steam network.

  4. Ignore it and press retry option. After a few seconds you'll be logged in normally.

Q: Why?
A: Ask Valve.

Q: Is it safe?
A: I do not guarantee anything but it works for me. Source ( says that:

It just launches steam with TCP protocols instead UCP.


It uses TCP as apposed to UDP. You can google if you are interested. There is no concerns about security.