My guide NPC isn't spawning [duplicate]

Solution 1:

When I played this I had it happen to me, the way I fixed it was I had to search the entire map to find any goblins left of a goblin invasion and kill them off. When the entire invasion has been killed, you should get text saying invasion defeated and the guide should spawn if this is what it causing him not to spawn.

Solution 2:

The Guide will only spawn if:

  • It's daytime.
  • There is an available house.
  • No invasion/Eclipse is happening.
  • It is also possible for another npc to take over the same house you want your guide in, after he died.
  • Your house isn't too close to corruption or crimson.

Check to see if all these requirements are met, and check if your house is suitable (with the check housing button). Make multiple extra houses.

Many players report a bug, that the guide doesn't spawn until roughly a day or more (in real time) after you die to the WoF. This could very likely be it, but make sure you follow through all the steps listed here cause it could also not be the bug.