How do I browse a website that uses WebGL?

Solution 1:

Actually it says there you need a Browser that supports WebGL, not openGl. As you can see in the following links, no officially released version of Firefox, Chrome or Opera support WebGL at 100%. The nightly builds do but they still need work:

As WebGL uses Canvas then it needs a browser that supports HTML 5 (Which is like the latest for browsers)

Also there is a web page to test if your browser supports WebGL:

Remember that apart from the Browser supporting WebGL, you need a video card that supports OpenGL ES 2.0 which would be supported if your graphics card supports OpenGL 2.0+.

With Firefox 4.x and starting with Chrome 9 you have support for WebGL apps. For course, for the time being, Chrome renders faster than Firefox but Firefox is more standard than Chrome.