Converting a \u escaped Unicode string to ASCII

After reading all about iconv and Encoding, I am still confused.

I am scraping the source of a web page I have a string that looks like this: 'pretty\u003D\u003Ebig' (displayed in the R console as 'pretty\\\u003D\\\u003Ebig'). I want to convert this to the ASCII string, which should be 'pretty=>big'.

More simply, if I set

x <- 'pretty\\u003D\\u003Ebig'

How do I perform a conversion on x to yield pretty=>big?

Any suggestions?

Use parse, but don't evaluate the results:

x1 <- 'pretty\\u003D\\u003Ebig'
x2 <- parse(text = paste0("'", x1, "'"))
x3 <- x2[[1]]
# [1] "pretty=>big"
# [1] TRUE
# [1] 1

With the stringi package:

> x <- 'pretty\\u003D\\u003Ebig'
> stringi::stri_unescape_unicode(x)
[1] "pretty=>big"

Although I have accepted Hong ooi's answer, I can't help thinking parse and eval is a heavyweight solution. Also, as pointed out, it is not secure, although for my application I can be confident that I will not get dangerous quotes.

So, I have devised an alternative, somewhat brutal, approach:

udecode <- function(string){
  uconv <- function(chars) intToUtf8(strtoi(chars, 16L))
  ufilter <- function(string) {
    if (substr(string, 1, 1)=="|") uconv(substr(string, 2, 5)) else string
  string <- gsub("\\\\u([[:xdigit:]]{4})", ",|\\1,", string, perl=TRUE)
  strings <- unlist(strsplit(string, ","))
  string <- paste(sapply(strings, ufilter), collapse='')

Any simplifications welcomed!

A use for eval(parse)!

eval(parse(text=paste0("'", x, "'")))

This has its own problems of course, such as having to manually escape any quote marks within the string. But it should work for any valid Unicode sequences that may appear.

I sympathise; I have struggled with R and unicode text in the past and not always successfully. If your data is in x then first try a global replace, something like this:

x <- gsub("\u003D", "=>", x)

I sometimes use a construction like

lapply(x, utf8ToInt)

to see where the high code points are e.g. anything over 150. This helps me locate problems caused by non-breaking spaces, for example, which seem to pop up every now and again.