How to embed a PDF in HTML page?

We would like to show the PDF document in an HTML page after retrieving it from the database via a servlet's doGet method.

Can anyone share some snippets on how to achieve this?

Non-html content apart from images needs to be retrieved using an object, embed or iframe tag

  1. iframe: <iframe src="somepage.pdf"></iframe>
  2. object/embed: <object src="somepage.pdf"><embed src="somepage.pdf"></embed></object>

somepage.pdf could be somepage.jsp?filename=somepage&mimetype=application/pdf

Here is an interesting link How to Embed Microsoft Office or PDF Documents in Web Pages

and here is a stackoverflow search

Google docs viewer can handle this.


            html, body {height:100%;width:100%;overflow:hidden}
        <meta charset="utf-8">
                 $url = $_GET['url'];
        <title><?php echo $url; ?></title>
        <iframe src="<?=urlencode($url)?>&embedded=true"  style="position: absolute;width:100%; height: 100%;border: none;"></iframe>