bind symbolic link turning red post named restart

Solution 1:

Starting bind/named runs /usr/sbin/named.init.

In there, is a function called checkAndCopyConfigFiles.

In there is the line rm -f ${CHROOT_PREFIX}/${configfile}

You made a symlink from /etc/named.conf to /var/lib/named/etc/named.conf, now when that script runs, it deleted /var/lib/named/etc/named.conf.

So, the script deleted /var/lib/named/etc/named.conf, and attempted to copy the endpoint of the symlink, /etc/named.conf, which no longer exists, since it has already deleted it.

This results in a dangling symlink reference and hence turns red.

Your crafted named.conf no longer exists.

If you can get it back, you have 3 choices.

  1. Have your code alter the /etc/named.conf and any other files within /etc/ rather than within /var/lib/named/etc.
  2. Edit /usr/sbin/named.init and craft your own which handles such a situation.
  3. Remove bind-chrootenv and craft your own startup script.