How do I resize app icons in applications overview on Ubuntu 18.04?

Is there any way to resize these app icons in Ubuntu 18.04?

They seem too big to me.

gnome dash icons

Solution 1:

  1. You can edit /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-shell.css.

    Don't forget to make a backup of the original file!

  2. Search for a line starting with #dash {.

  3. In the following lines you can change the properties like .icon-grid { spacing and icon-grid .overview { icon-size.

  4. After your changes you have to restart the Gnome Shell with Alt+F2 and typing r and Enter.

Solution 2:

Thanks for this info. On my system 18.04 I have found you only need change /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/ubuntu.css

And only the line:

/* App Vault/Grid */
.icon-grid {
  spacing: 30px; 
  -shell-grid-horizontal-item-size: 96px; /* change this line - was 136px */
  -shell-grid-vertical-item-size: 136px; } 
  .icon-grid .overview-icon {
    icon-size: 96px; }

Solution 3:

I just managed to change the size in Ubuntu 20.04.1. When using a custom theme the .css is in that file. So Home/.themes.

I changed:

  • shell-grid-horizontal-item-size: 86 px
  • shell-grid-vertical-item-size: 60 px;
    With the same number the icons are out of shape.

I use the gnome extension for 10 columns. So much better !!!