How to open ~/.pam_environment?

I wanted to set environment variables JAVA_HOME and PATH. So I wanted to open ~/.pam_environment since it is the best place to set environment variables relevant to a particular user according to the link

The link states:

Session-wide environment variables

Environment variable settings that should affect just a particular user (rather then the >system as a whole) should be set into:

~/.pam_environment - This file is specifically meant for setting a user's
environment. It is not a script file, but rather consists of assignment expressions, one per line.

The problem I have is that I am not able to open the file ~/.pam_environment by using the command gedit ~/.pam_environment.

I do not know whether this is the right way to open this file, please point me in the right direction.

Solution 1:

Note that .pam_environment does not use the normal syntax. You should strictly follow the pam_env.conf syntax.

In particular if you want to set the JAVA_HOME and PATH variables you can put this content into your .pam_environment:

JAVA_HOME DEFAULT=<the-path-to-java-home
PATH DEFAULT=${PATH}:extend/the:path

Following Rinzwind answer will most likely brick your login[1]. In which case you can re login into a TTY using Ctrl + Alt + F1 and remove the .pam_environment file with the command:

/bin/rm ~/.pam_environment

[1] At least on my computer with Kubuntu 12.04