Unable to make changes in BIOS after 17.10 installation

Solution 1:


I update the kernel to '4.14.9' and then restarted with ubuntu advanced options> with the latest kernel. and then restarted again. ALL BACK TO NORMAL.

This is what I did step by step

  1. Install Ukuu

    Its easy to update the kernel with Ubuntu Kernel Update Utility (Ukuu), Click here.

    sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ukuu
  2. Update the kernel

    Select the kernel 4.14.9 and select Install. wait for the installation to be completed and then restart the PC.

  3. Restart the system with the latest kernel

    From GRUB select the option which starts with "Advanced options".

    Select Ubuntu GNU/Linux, with Linux 4.14.9-generic. wait for the system to load completely.

  4. Restart again and go into the BIOS

Restart the system again and check the BIOS to see if the problem is fixed.

I can change settings from BIOS. BIOS is detecting new HDD. In short everything worked out.