Laptop bricked after uninstalling dual boot

I have an Acer Swift 5 running windows 11. I wanted to install Manjaro for dual booting, so I created a new partition, changed SATA mode to AHCI and installed Manjaro to that partition. I later changed my mind when the desktop was glitching, so I deleted the partition from Windows, then extended the windows partition. Unfortunately I then made the mistake of restarting. Now my computer boots into grub rescue, with an unknown filesystem error. I can't find a way into the BIOS settings.

I saw tutorials on uninstalling dual boot that said to use a windows recovery disk, but I couldn't boot to one of those because I can't access BIOS settings.

Any help would be really appreciated.


Solution 1:

I have an Acer Swift 5 running windows 11

I wanted to install Manjaro for dual booting, ... I later changed my mind

Windows 11 must maintain UEFI (and so GPT) and Secure Boot. Trying to go back to legacy will kill Windows 11.

For experimenting like this (where you may change your mind), and indeed, for many instances where multiple operating systems are required, run them in a virtual machine. This is a much better approach with Windows 11.

To get your laptop working correctly again, contact Acer Support and get a proper Recovery USB. That will rebuild partitions including the Recovery partition.

A solid repair now and virtualization will keep your machine running much longer without having to repair or rebuild it.