Given two columns, Insert a value at a specific position in excel


Screenshot of cells

I have two columns A and B. I want the third column C based on the position (specified by B) of the values (specified by A). For empty cells in C, I want to have 0.

How can I do this in Excel?

I tried with INDEX and VLOOKUP functions, but without success.

Maybe this is what you want. Please confirm.

Sample data is in Cells A1:C8. Row 1 is the header.

The formula in C2 is


Drag it down along the length of the intended rows. Since the data starts in Row 2, ROW () - ROW ($D$1) starts the Index with 1 and further for the MATCH Function. It can be changed to ROW() - ROW($C$1) too. Just need a constant 1. To simplify it you may use below as long as your data always starts in row 2.


Depending upon your regional settings you might need to replace comma in the formula with semicolon.

enter image description here