Can I silence alarms from shared calendar (on a calendar-by-calendar basis)?

I use iCloud to share a family calendar with my wife (she owns the calendar, I am the sharee). She likes to make sure she gets plenty of alarms for events on the family calendar so she doesn't miss picking up the kids or something like that. Since I'm sharing, I also get the alarms, which aren't all that helpful when I'm in a meeting at work.

Is there a way to silence all the alarms from a particular calendar? I still want to get alarms from my calendars. I also can't remove the alarms from the shared calendar, or else she won't get them (and thus our kids will be stuck somewhere).

We use BusyCal, if it matters.

This answer's for iCal, since I don't have BusyCal, but I would assume that it has similar functionality. Hopefully, it can help you to find the right control, even if it's not exactly right.

In iCal, you can right-click on a shared calendar in the calendar list and Get Info on it. In the dialog that pops up (see picture), there's a checkbox to ignore alarms.

Click the circled checkbox

I can only assume there's something similar for BusyCal.