Can Mountain Lion be modified so that a double click will open "hidden" folders and files?

Its looks like this might be a Mountain Lion Bug and a bug report has been submitted to Apple for this issue. Additionally, after some testing its seems that hidden files and folders will not open when double-clicked from with in a Finder window that has an icons, lists, or Cover Flow view selected.

Note: For the Cover flow view double-click does not work in the list view, yet double clicking items in the cover flow section will cause the file or folder to open.

Note: If you double-click hidden files/folders on the desktop they open as expected, which seems odd, and kind of indicates that this not working in most Finder window views is just a bug.

Work Arounds until the bug (hopefully its a bug and not a new feature) is fixed by Apple:

Use the "column" or "Cover Flow" Finder views.

  • With column view selected hidden folders just open when clicked on, and hidden files open as expected when double-clicked.

Finder Column view selected

  • With the Cover Flow view selected the work around is two steps.

    1. Click on the hidden file or folder in the list on the bottom of the window.
    2. Then double-click on the file or folder to open it.

Finder Cover Flow view selected

Obvious, but ⌘-O works fast enough for me, rather than trying to modify Finder.