Assign monospaced font family to selected text with keyboard shortcut in mac os x

Solution 1:

I've been looking for doing this for a very long time.

I finally managed to end up with something that really works great for me, with the help of Alfred and Highlight CLI tool.

Here is the Alfred script portion :

if echo $query|grep -e "^__SHORTCUT__"
    echo "$query"|sed -E "s/^__SHORTCUT__//"|pbcopy
    osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using {command down}'

pbpaste|/usr/local/bin/highlight --syntax $syntax --font Menlo --font-size 12 --out-format=rtf|pbcopy
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using {command down}'

Make sure the shortcut trigger adds __SHORTCUT__ to be recognized and argument is "Selection in OSX" :

enter image description here

Short demo

Solution 2:

I don't know of a system-wide way to script the Fonts panel but here's a few ways to get quick access to monospace fonts in

Way 1: Plan Text Message

Go to's preferences > Fonts & Colors and check the checkbox for "Use fixed-width font for plain text messages"

enter image description here

Now when you're in a message where you want to use a monospace font you can simply hit: Command-Shift-T and you can toggle between the fixed-width font of your choice and your standard font (plain text message & rich text).

The downside of this method is if the receiver has not set their font to a fixed-width font they may not see the message as intended.

Way 2: Set the Font with Applescript

The second way to do this would be to create a new message with the correct font chosen using Applescript. You can do that like this:

tell application "Mail"
    set outgoingMessage to make new outgoing message
    set fontFace to "Times"
    tell outgoingMessage
        set the content to " "
        set font of content to fontFace
        set size of content to (14)
        set visible to true
    end tell
end tell

You do have to set the content to something with this script. It seems Mail doesn't let you set the font for an empty message.

Way 3: Use TextExpander

This way costs money but it might give you what you are after. You could setup a couple of TextExpander ($34.99 USD on the app store) shortcuts for fixed width and normal type so that you can switch back and forth by typing a few characters.


TextExpander will allow you to insert rich text (text with a font, color, style, etc set). Just create a snippet of type Formatted Text, Pictures and set a font for the text you'll be inserting. You will need to include at least a space character for this strategy to work.

You will need your snippits to include at least a space character to ensure that the font will take.

Solution 3:

What I ended up using was manually specifying monospace in some text, then Format -> Copy Style (Option+Cmd+C) which copies the format but not the text. Then select some other plain text and Format->Paste Style (Option+Cmd+V) which assigns this format to the selection. After restarting, you need to do this again, and it only works for one style, but this meets my needs.