I have two excel sheets:

-Sheet1 (Giant list)
C2: Application name
D2: Local Name
E2: Description

-Sheet2 (Less application and local names than in sheet2)
A1: Application name
A2: Local name

I want to place the description from Sheet1 next to the assigned Local Name in Sheet2.

The problem is that are more local names in Sheet1.

Is there a way to place the description next to the correct local name in Sheet2?

Solution 1:

If I understand you correctly, you can use Vlookup function. Vlookup is an essential function in excel and if you learn it well, you will save yourself lots of time.
Assuming your localname is unique, try this formula in your sheet2, to cell where you want to show your description. =vlookup([localname in sheet2];[D2:E100];2;false)

If localname is not unique and then you will need to concat it with application name to make it unique. Of course you will need to update your formula then accordingly.

Update: Type this formula into sheet2, c2. Then copy it and paste to cells below c2. =VLOOKUP(B2,Sheet1!$D$2:$E$216,2,FALSE)