How to access the mp4 link from a video

Anyway to access the link to the video file on a streaming site. For example, from this site I am able to get a download link but not a link ending with .mp4:

I specifically need a link ending with .mp4

Is this possible?

The Chrome web browser offers a "Copy video address" context menu item on that page, if you right click on the video.

Please note, that the link you will get in return seems to contain an authentication token. This means, that most likely it will only work for you and only for a limited time.

Accessing the URL returns a file, the signalled file name happens to end in .mp4. So while the URL doesn't point to a file ending in .mp4, the file that eventually is downloaded from that URL does.

Please note that different sites will have different structures and will use different technologies. There is no universal answer to this question.