Windows Insider Program “Something went wrong”

I am trying to join the Windows Insider Programme in the Dev Channel.

But when clicking "Get Started", I receive this error message:

Something went wrong. We aren't able to talk to our service at the moment. Please try again later.

Something went wrong

My current Windows Version is:

enter image description here

I have the Optional Feedback enabled.

What to I need to do to be able to join the Insider Program?

Solution 1:

I was trying to resolve this problem forever until a light bulb went off in my head! The message says exactly what the problem is, the computer cannot access the service. I have a huge HOSTS file blocking all kinds of ad and malware sites and quite possibly the service they're trying to access. As soon as I renamed my HOSTS and put back the original one, the problem went away and I was able to get W11.

Hope this helps.. Good luck!