Exporting Sublime Text configuration and installed packages

I have spent considerable time to tune up Sublime Text 2 configs. Now I would want to share my configurations (one file) and installed packages list with my friend. What would be the best way to do this? Manually pick related folders in Packages and zip them or something else? Preferably I'd like to create an automated script which could be copy-pasted to my friend and others.

My friend is using Linux. I am using OSX, which may cause some extra problems.

If you are using Package Control, send your friend Package Control.sublime-settings. In fact, the easiest way to transfer settings between machines is to move the User package between machines. This, in combination with package control, makes setting up on a new machine relatively quick and painless. The only issues your friend might have is mismatched key binding or other system specific settings. These files have the notation some_name (platform).extension. Other than that, I wouldn't forsee any issues (unless you are using OS X specific plugins).

Package control has a good doc talking about how to sync Sublime settings and install packages: https://packagecontrol.io/docs/syncing