Is the Linux kernel required to run Linux?

Solution 1:

I think what you want to ask here is actually: is the Linux kernel required to run the GNU operating system?

If this is the case, then the answer is no. Linux is not the official kernel of GNU. The GNU project officially comes with an another kernel: Hurd.

GNU runs on the FreeBSD kernel too. Debian is one of the few (probably the only one) distributions that offer GNU on the FreeBSD kernel.

What is Linux?

Linux is a kernel. The traditional definition of kernel states that it is that piece of software that lets processes communicate with the hardware.

You rarely interact with Linux directly.

What is GNU?

It is an operating system. If you have ever fiddled with the command line, than you have interacted with GNU. Some (but not all) commands like ls, cp and rm are part of GNU. Even the Bash shell is part of GNU. GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program.

There are high chances that you have interacted with GNU directly.

What is Hurd?

Mach is a micro-kernel. Hurd is a complete kernel based on Mach. Both Mach and Hurd are part of the GNU project.

On the contrary, Linux is not part of GNU; it is an independent project.

From this point of view, Linux is an alternative to Hurd, like KDE is an alternative to GNOME.

Why do most people say 'Linux' when they actually mean 'GNU'?

This is a long story. The GNU website provides and excellent explanation. I cannot do better:

  • How did it come about that most people call the system “Linux”?
  • GNU Users Who Have Never Heard of GNU

The correct name for operating systems that offer both GNU and Linux is GNU+Linux or GNU/Linux. Here are the details:

  • Why GNU/Linux?
  • Linux and the GNU Project

Solution 2:

Yes. Kernel is THE most important part of any operating system.

Solution 3:

The Linux operating system consists of two parts:

  1. Kernel developed by Linux Torvalds.
  2. GNU Tools:
    • Richard Stallman, the founder of GNU project.

When the system boots, it starts with the kernel.

If something is wrong in the kernel you'll find an error like "Kernel Panic"