Is there a common expression for someone who "always holds a mobile phone in hand"?
I would like to know if there is a typical expression or phrase, used by native speakers, for someone who always has their mobile phone in their hand.
I would prefer a spoken expression rather than a formal one.
Solution 1:
An old expression that predates mobile phones is: has a phone glued to his ear.
A quick Google search seems to indicate the phrase is still being used, although sometimes ear is changed to hand, thanks to the advent of texting.
Solution 2:
The idea of someone who is always holding in theirs hands a mobile phone ( quite a common issues) suggests an overuse and sort of 'attachment' to the tech devise. I think that a proper expression is:
- a mobile phone addict ( see pics).
Mobile phone overuse is an issue seen among certain mobile phone users:
- Just like the television and computers, mobile phones are technological instruments which, as numerous studies and research show, are being used more and more often and which are objects that people can become addicted to.
Solution 3:
Consider the expression to be glued 24/7 which in speech would be
to be glued twenty-four seven
You can say this with practically anything "She's glued 24/7 to mobile phones; video games; TV; social networks; computers; Twitter; EL&U...
The following excerpt is taken from Education Week
If students are “glued” 24/7 to their mobile devices, why is it necessary for schools to teach digital literacy? Who should teach it? And wait … what does it even mean to be “digitally literate”?