How do I auto copy CD contents on insertion?

Solution 1:

Yes Indeedy! I got interested so did some head scratching and a good deal of teeth nashing and hair pulling. Here it is:

#! /bin/bash
# Wait for a CD to be inserted then copy the contents
echo "CD copy, press <ctrl>C to exit"
echo "Looking for disk..."
# Go into a continuous loop always looking for a new CD
while :
####### Get the mount point of /dev/sr0 out of the mounts file        
        TEST=$(grep /dev/sr0 /proc/self/mounts)
####### If it doesn't exist, loop until it does with 1 second pause
        if [ "$TEST" == "" ]; then
                echo -ne "."
                sleep 1
############### Got it!  Need to strip the mount point out of the string
                set $TEST2
############### Do the copy process for the disk we found
                echo "Copying from $TEST"
                cp -vr $TEST/* ~/junk/
############### Eject the CD with suitable pauses to avoid any buffer problems
                sleep 1
                eject cdrom
                sleep 2
######## Still looping! Go back and wait for another CD!

You'll notice that the script assume that the cdrom is /dev/sr0 so if this is not the case you'll need to change it. Use the blkid command to find out what your optical device is called. The script copies everything to your home folder in a subdirectory called junk, and this directory must exist before you run the script.

I found the script ejects the cd/dvd nicely once the data is copied. If it doesn't eject and stays mounted I think it will try to copy the same disk all over again. Apart from that it's pretty self explanatory. Enjoy :-)