What is the English word for a 'spaghetti harvest'? [closed]

Spaghetti, traditionally, an Italian crop is now being widely grown in Britain. Can anyone say what the harvest should be called, perhaps based on the Italian.

In certain parts of Italy, it's referred to as il raccolto di spaghetti (or il raccolto for short), while in others (esp. in more southerly regions) call it i giorni maccheroni abbondanti or gimadanti.

Though I've never been during those weeks, it looks like fun.

An image in three parts, with the top half depicting a smiling woman looking at a serving fork full of spaghetti-like pasta. Underneath, an image of three people: two women and a man appear to be harvesting spaghetti from trees. One woman is on a ladder. The man is holding a large round flat basket. The last image is of a woman apparently collecting spaghetti from a plant.