Mongodb sort inner array

I've been looking for a while now and can't seem to sort an inner array and keep that in the doc that I'm currently working with.

    "service": {
        "apps": {
            "updates": [
                "n" : 1
                "date": ISODate("2012-03-10T16:15:00Z")
                "n" : 2
                "date": ISODate("2012-01-10T16:15:00Z")
                "n" : 5
                "date": ISODate("2012-07-10T16:15:00Z")

So I want to keep the item to be returned as the service, but have my updates array sorted. So far with the shell I have:

        {$project: {'service.apps.updates':1}}, 

Anyone think they can help on this?

You can do this by $unwinding the updates array, sorting the resulting docs by date, and then $grouping them back together on _id using the sorted order.

    {$unwind: '$service.apps.updates'}, 
    {$sort: {'': 1}}, 
    {$group: {_id: '$_id', 'updates': {$push: '$service.apps.updates'}}}, 
    {$project: {'service.apps.updates': '$updates'}})

Starting in Mongo 4.4, the $function aggregation operator allows applying a custom javascript function to implement behaviour not supported by the MongoDB Query Language.

For instance, in order to sort an array of objects by one of their fields:

// {
//   "service" : { "apps" : { "updates" : [
//     { "n" : 1, "date" : ISODate("2012-03-10T16:15:00Z") },
//     { "n" : 2, "date" : ISODate("2012-01-10T16:15:00Z") },
//     { "n" : 5, "date" : ISODate("2012-07-10T16:15:00Z") }
//   ]}}
// }
  { $set: {
    { "service.apps.updates":
      { $function: {
          body: function(updates) {
            updates.sort((a, b) => -;
            return updates;
          args: ["$service.apps.updates"],
          lang: "js"
// {
//   "service" : { "apps" : { "updates" : [
//     { "n" : 2, "date" : ISODate("2012-01-10T16:15:00Z") },
//     { "n" : 1, "date" : ISODate("2012-03-10T16:15:00Z") },
//     { "n" : 5, "date" : ISODate("2012-07-10T16:15:00Z") }
//   ]}}
// }

This modifies the array in place, without having to apply a combination of expensive $unwind, $sort and $group stages.

$function takes 3 parameters:

  • body, which is the function to apply, whose parameter is the array to modify.
  • args, which contains the fields from the record that the body function takes as parameter. In our case "$service.apps.updates".
  • lang, which is the language in which the body function is written. Only js is currently available.