Negative integer division surprising result

Solution 1:

For the actual values, i.e. 8.0/(-7.0), the result is roughly -1.143.

Your result using integer division is being rounded down toward the more negative value of -2. (This is also known as "Floor division")

This is why you will get the somewhat perplexing answers of:

>>> 8/(-7)
>>> 8/7

Note: This is "fixed" in Python 3, where the result of 8/(-7) would be -1.143. So if you have no reason to be using Python 2, you should upgrade. ;)

In Python 3, if you still want integer division, you can use the // operator. This will give you the same answer as 8/(-7) would in Python 2.

Here's a Python Enhancement Proposal on the subject: PEP 238 -- Changing the Division Operator

Solution 2:

Python always does the "floor division" for both negative numbers division and positive numbers division.

That is

1/10 = 0
1/-10 = -1

But sometime we need 1/-10 to be 0

I figure out it can be done by using the float division first then cast result to int, e.g.

int(float(1)/-10) = 0

That works fine for me, no need to import the future division or upgrade to Python 3

Hope it can help you~