Autohotkey capslock remapping and use as a modifier

By default AutoHotKey only enables a hotkey if that exact combination of keys is pressed, no variation allowed. To achieve the "select one line below" effect, you should be using the * wildcard modifier which makes the hotkey work even if extra keys are pressed, like this:

SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff

*Capslock & j::Send {Blind}{Down DownTemp}
*Capslock & j up::Send {Blind}{Down Up}

Read more about it here:

Also, if you would like to use a modifier key on multiple hotkeys (like CapsLock in you case) I would recommend combining the #If environment with the GetKeyState command like you can see in my script that I use to turn some keys into arrows while a button is pressed down and many more extras.

Edit: Hmm, it seems like the asterisk shouldn't be necessary for combined keys. The documentation: says that Unlike a normal hotkey, custom combinations act as though they have the wildcard (*) modifier by default., but in this case I don't really understand why your version did not work.

In case anyone else stumbles upon this question, here's another way to do this that prevents all accidental Caps Lock toggling:

SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff

#If GetKeyState("CapsLock", "P")

KeyWait, CapsLock
IF A_ThisHotkey = *CapsLock
    Send, {Escape}

Credit Rohwedder: