IntelliJ Split Window Navigation

If I split the editor window (horizontal or vertical) into N tab groups, how do I switch/toggle from one tab group to another via the keyboard? If all of the tabs are in the same group you can switch from each tab easily (CTRL + right/left arrow), but when they're in separate tab groups I can't. I've searched through the key mappings and have not found one that seems to accomplish this. I know I can use the mouse, but I'm trying to find ways to avoid the mouse and stay with the keyboard.

TIA for any help on this.

Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab for Window | Goto Next Splitter and Goto Previous Splitter. However, these hotkeys may be taken by the Switcher, so you need to remap them in Settings | Keymap.

It looks like it's now mapped to Alt+Tab and Shift+Alt+Tab so no need to remap (at least for OSX 10.5+ settings).