Rails: named_scope, lambda and blocks

it's a parser problem. try this

named_scope :admin, (lambda do |company_id| 
  {:conditions => ['company_id = ?', company_id]}

I think the problem may be related to the difference in precedence between {...} and do...end

There's some SO discussion here

I think assigning a lambda to a variable (which would be a Proc) could be done with a do ... end:

my_proc = lambda do 
  puts "did it"
my_proc.call #=> did it

If you're on ruby 1.9 or later 1, you can use the lambda literal (arrow syntax), which has high enough precedence to prevent the method call from "stealing" the block from the lambda.

named_scope :admin, ->(company_id) do 
  {:conditions => ['company_id = ?', company_id]}

1 The first stable Ruby 1.9.1 release was 2009-01-30.

It's something related to precedence as I can tell

1.upto 3 do # No parentheses, block delimited with do/end
  |x| puts x 

1.upto 3 {|x| puts x } # Syntax Error: trying to pass a block to 3!