TypeError: 'int' object does not support indexing

Solution 1:

    SELECT "Indicator"."indicator" 
    FROM "Indicator" 
    WHERE "Indicator"."some_id" =   %s;', [some_id])

This turns the some_id parameter into a list, which is indexable. Assuming your method works like i think it does, this should work.

The error is happening because somewhere in that method, it is probably trying to iterate over that input, or index directly into it. Possibly like this: some_id[0]

By making it a list (or iterable), you allow it to index into the first element like that.

You could also make it into a tuple by doing this: (some_id,) which has the advantage of being immutable.

Solution 2:

You should pass query parameters to execute() as a tuple (an iterable, strictly speaking), (some_id,) instead of some_id:

    SELECT "Indicator"."indicator" 
    FROM "Indicator" 
    WHERE "Indicator"."some_id" =   %s;', (some_id,))