Batch inserting characters in file names using ren in windows

I would like to batch rename file names inserting 4 characters ("Lna_") within the fine name as:

Cdt001_10x_G75_01s_Ft1.tif -> Cdt001_10x_G75_01s_Lna_Ft1.tif , 
Cdt001_10x_G75_01s_Ft2.tif -> Cdt001_10x_G75_01s_Lna_Ft2.tif , 
Cdt001_10x_G75_01s_Ft3.tif -> Cdt001_10x_G75_01s_Lna_Ft3.tif , 

Is it possible? Thanks

Split the names at the underscores with a parsing for /f and insert _LNA behind the 4th token.

In cmd line

for %A in (*_*_*_*_*.tif) do @for /f "tokens=1-4* delims=_" %B in ("%A") Do @echo Ren "%A" "%B_%C_%D_%E_LNA_%F"

If the sample output

Ren "Cdt001_10x_G75_01s_Ft1.tif" "Cdt001_10x_G75_01s_LNA_Ft1.tif"
Ren "Cdt001_10x_G75_01s_Ft2.tif" "Cdt001_10x_G75_01s_LNA_Ft2.tif"
Ren "Cdt001_10x_G75_01s_Ft3.tif" "Cdt001_10x_G75_01s_LNA_Ft3.tif"

looks OK remove the echo in front of ren.

In a batch file double all the percent signs.