Linked Excel 2010 Charts Won't Show Field Codes in Word 2010 - What am I doing wrong?

Solution 1:

Okay, after much research, I finally just tried a different way of pasting the charts in. Instead of pasting using CTRL+V and using the clipboard popup to select "Keep Source Formatting and Link to Excel", I had to use the Home > Paste... Paste Special... menu option (or ALT+CTRL+V), then choose Paste link: Microsoft Excel Chart Object. I can toggle the field code visibility just fine for objects pasted in this way.

The pasted object seems to behave differently in Word, however. It re-sizes like a picture instead of a chart (stretches text). And the Chart Tools ribbon is not available when it is selected, but it will work for my needs.

Sorry I ended up (sort of) answering myself. Maybe this will help someone else. Thanks!