Bluetooth Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Mouse keeps disconnecting

Not sure whether you got this issue resolved. Just sharing this information from another blog which helped me solve similar issue.

So i finally found the solution. I'm not even sure anyone will ever enter this thread again, but I'll post it anyway, because this issue drove me insane and i hope i can help other people in this situation. SO, apparently windows 8.1 drivers are flawed, and in order to fix this, you have to download windows 8 or 7 version of the driver. You then have to run it in windows 7 compatibility mode(right click-properties-compatibility tab-check the compatibility box and select windows 7) and voila! Just install it as usual and you're good to go.

I had this issue for about six months with my MSoft Sculpt mouse and a Dell Latitude E7470. Lots of random drop-outs for a few seconds, even with power saving disabled.

A few others have reported it seems to be happening to devices with an Intel Bluetooth chipset, which the Latitude has, so I went into Device Manager / Bluetooth / Intel Wireless Bluetooth and updated the driver from the one Win10 installed by default to the one supplied by Intel (v19.60.0.3) and checked the power saving was still off.

This worked fine for a week, then the drop-out of the Sculpt mouse happened again, but his time I noticed a pattern... I was listening to audio on my Jabra Bluetooth headset, which uses a separate Bluetooth USB dongle. It's possible the BT dongle is interfering with the built-in BT, so I've moved it to another USB port to put some distance between the aerials of the two devices.

I'll monitor this configuration and see how it goes.