xrdp without xorgxrdp

Basically, afaik, if you want to have working remote desktop solution using xrdp software, you have to install xrdp + xorgxrdp. If you install xrdp from command line on your Ubuntu system using the following command in a Terminal console

sudo apt-get install xrdp 

xorgxrdp package will be installed along since this package will be marked as dependencies

To answer your question about what xorgxrdp is, Please have look at the maintainer github page at https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xorgxrdp.. On this link they provide some explanation on what xorgxrdp is....

Extrat From https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xorgxrdp

xorgxrdp is a collection of modules to be used with a pre-existing X.Org install to make the X server act like X11rdp. Unlike X11rdp, you don't have to recompile the whole X Window System. Instead, additional modules are installed to a location where the existing Xorg installation would pick them.

xorgxrdp is to be used together with xrdp and X.Org Server. It is pretty useless using xorgxrdp alone.

Hope this help Till next time See ya