The zoom tool does not work in Pinta

Solution 1:

According to this bug entry on Launchpad this has something to do with an illegal character in the Spanish translation. The issue has been fixed by a developer (pull request #128 has been merged) but Pinta has not been released since the issue was fixed so it remains open in the current Pinta 1.6.

An easy workaround is to bypass the language support. Open the file /usr/bin/pinta in a text editor and add a new line with the text LANG=C before the last line which starts with exec. The file must be saved with admin rights since it is a system file. Pinta will use English instead of the default language of your desktop but the zoom tool will work again.

If you don't want to change a system file or if you want to test the workaround before applying it on your system you can open a console and type LANG=C pinta and press enter. This has the same effect as the workaround described above but it is not permanent, i.e. it will only work until you close the instance of Pinta you just started.

Solution 2:

Pinta 1.7 is available in the stable repository. Zooming tool issue is fixed in this version.

Just run to add and install/update lastest pinta stable version.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pinta-maintainers/pinta-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pinta

Source :