./configure: No such file or diectory

Solution 1:

Installing from repositories might be an easier method. However it was dropped from the 20.04 repository as this answer states. The answer is replicated below.

The wicd-gtk was removed from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS repositories because of Python 2 deprecation.

But you still can install it if you download packages manually from 19.10:

mkdir -p ~/Downloads/wicd
cd ~/Downloads/wicd

wget http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/pygtk/python-gtk2_2.24.0-6_amd64.deb
wget http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/pygtk/python-glade2_2.24.0-6_amd64.deb

wget http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wicd/python-wicd_1.7.4+tb2-6_all.deb
wget http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wicd/wicd-daemon_1.7.4+tb2-6_all.deb
wget http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wicd/wicd-gtk_1.7.4+tb2-6_all.deb

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ./*.deb
sudo apt-get install ./*.deb # second time for correct configuration

and then use it.

Solution 2:

You have to install wicd with python 2 if you want to install from the tar archive. The file to start the installation with is setup.py.

First you have to install the dependencies. I think it is better if you create a virtual environment for python. Maybe you can look at alternatives actively maintained or use the method from WinEunuuchs2Unix.

Source for the installation and complete (?) instructions : https://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/8.2/basicnet/wicd.html. Don't know if it's similar with Ubuntu 20.04. I think it won't be easy.


Python-2.7.14, D-Bus Python-1.2.6, Wireless Tools-29, and Net-tools-CVS_20101030 (Wicd needs mii-tool from this package)


PyGTK-2.24.0 (for the GTK frontend), wpa_supplicant-2.6 (for WPA support), and dhcpcd-7.0.1 or DHCP-4.4.0 (for DHCP support)


pm-utils-1.4.1 (for suspend/resume integration), Urwid (for the Curses-based frontend), and Babel (for internationalization)