one drive free client doesn not appear in home directory

I wanted to have one drive free client in my home directory and I use it on ubuntu. Therefore I have used the advise from the following two sources. and How to setup OneDrive in Ubuntu 17.04?

In both cases I managed to authorize onedrive, this was the message:

Authorize this app visiting: Enter the response uri:

Application has been successfully authorised, however no additional command switches were provided.

Please use --help for further assistance in regards to running this application.

According to the two main sources it should appear in my home directory.However, it does not appear there. Yet when I type “onedrive” in the terminal it seems as if I have done it correctly:

Configuring Global Azure AD Endpoints

--synchronize or --monitor switches missing from your command line input. Please add one (not both) of these switches to your command line or use --help for further assistance.

No OneDrive sync will be performed without one of these two arguments being present.

“Which onedrive “ shows the follwing location:


Also: Rclone is not an option. I haven’t dealt with the synchronization of one drive yet I am primarily interested why one drive does not appear in my home directory. I am very new to ubuntu 21.04.

There are only 5 reliable ways to access OneDrive on Linux:

  • Via the OneDrive for Linux client - - this 'syncs' your data, bi-directional operation, open source and free
  • Via the 'onedriver' client - - Native file system that only provides 'on-demand' functionality, open source and free
  • Via 'rclone' - - one way sync client, open source and free
  • Via 'insync', 'ExpanDrive' - non-free client
  • Via the web browser of your choice

The URL's that you have referenced contain poor instructions & details to get you started ... please do not follow those incorrect instructions.