modify specific columns based on another column by using awk and gsub

Solution 1:

awk can match patterns like grep does, so you almost never need grep and awk in a pipeline.

You could do

 awk  '
    BEGIN {FS = OFS = ","}
    $1 ~ /AAA/ && $5 ~ /BGB/ {
        if ($2) $2 = $2 / 2
        if ($3) $3 = $3 / 2
        if ($4) $4 = $4 / 2
        if ($6) $6 = $6 / 2
' file

Or, if you want to make the columns to reduce more dynamic

awk -v "columns=2,3,4,6" '
    BEGIN {
        FS = OFS = ","
        n = split(columns, a, /,/)
        for (i=1; i<=n; i++) cols[a[i]]=1
    $1 ~ /AAA/ && $5 ~ /BGB/ {
        for (c in cols) if ($c) $c = $c / 2
' file