Git Terminal in Linux [duplicate]

I'm new in Ubuntu or Linux in general. I just switched from Windows to Linux to keep my work here. Actually working as web developer.

I use Git commands a lot, and when I clone a repo, I don't get that good looking terminal like I had with Git Bash on Windows, like giving me branch name when I'm inside a folder, some autosuggestions/autocomplete...

I'm looking for another terminal program, like hyperTerminal or the one that comes with Manjaro.

Solution 1:

enter image description here

usding zsh shell with .zshrc which allows autocompletiion, suggestion extra using oh-my-zsh

install if not present

sudo apt install zsh

change default shell to zsh

chsh -s $(which zsh)

install oh-my-zsh

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

then edit .zshrc file u can refer my config file settings

nvim ~/.zshrc

source the file

source ~/.zshrc

tmux for multiple split panels and windows

sudo apt install tmux

then Neovim 0.5 to to make terminal editor just like an idle

u can refer my dot files for examples