How to change the combination of the "@" on linux

as per title I would to change the combination of the @ from: altgr+@key to: ctrl+alt+@key as on windows like to speak.

Is it possible or too complicated that it is better to keep the default combinations?

I don't know if this information is needed but when in doubt I'll put it all the same: I have the 20.04 version of ubuntu and I'm using an Italian layout.

Thank you for the answer!

Solution 1:

The @ character is available as a 3:rd level symbol on many keyboard layouts, including the Italian one. And AltGr is the default key to access such symbols.

You can define some other key to serve that purpose, but as far as I know it's not possible to define a key combination such as Ctrl+Alt.

Maybe, if you clarify why you want to change it, I might be able to propose a solution.