feh alternative that animates .gif files

I love using feh to organise my image collections. I've set the actions to move the current image to a certain directory, but when trying to open gifs, feh doesn't animate them.

Therefore I was searching a lightweight image/gif viewer with the possibility to execute commands with simple key strokes like --action in feh.

Thank you

I've found a program that might be good enough. It's called gifview and it's an old version of gifsicle; you can get it by installing gifsicle. The really interesting option is -w where you specify the window to open the gifs (so you can make all go to the same acting pretty much like feh), it still doesn't accept command inputs but it's close enough.

Solution 1:

Try sxiv with the -animate flag.

sxiv -a

Simple X Image Viewer

The primary goal of sxiv is to create an image viewer, which only has the most basic features required for fast image viewing (the ones I want). It has vi key bindings and works nicely with tiling window managers. Its code base should be kept small and clean to make it easy for you to dig into it and customize it for your needs.

Solution 2:

Another lightweight image viewer that seemed to come preinstalled on my Ubuntu device is Eye of Gnome (eog). It supports GIF animation out of the box and has a (very) small number of commands that can be performed with shortcut keys.