How to Make PHPStorm / Intellij IDEA Dark (Whole IDE, not just color scheme)

Solution 1:

Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Appearance | Theme = Darcula

P.S. Since IntelliJ IDEA v14 / WebStorm v9 / PhpStorm v8.0.2 (and any other IDEs on branch or newer) the settings path is a bit different:

Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Appearance & Behaviour | Appearance | Theme = Darcula

enter image description here

Solution 2:

View -> Quick Switch Theme -> Switch Look And Feel -> Darcula

and Restart the IDEA if changes do not become apparent.

Solution 3:

Download and enable ColorIDE.

Preferences > Plugins > "Browse repositories..." button > search for "ColorIde"

Instead of being limited to the standard 4 themes that come with the IDE, ColorIDE plugin will give your IDE the same look and feel as your current color scheme.