Laravel Migration table already exists, but I want to add new not the older

In v5.x, you might still face the problem. So, try to delete related table manually first using

php artisan tinker



(and exit with q)

Now, you can successfully php artisan migrate:rollback and php artisan migrate.

If this happens repeatedly you should check that the down() method in your migration is showing the right table name. (Can be a gotcha if you've changed your table names.)

You need to run

php artisan migrate:rollback

if that also fails just go in and drop all the tables which you may have to do as it seems your migration table is messed up or your user table when you ran a previous rollback did not drop the table.


The reason this happens is that you ran a rollback previously and it had some error in the code or did not drop the table. This still however messes up the laravel migration table and as far as it's concerned you now have no record of pushing the user table up. The user table does already exist however and this error is throw.

I had the same trouble. The reason is that your file name in migrations folder does not match with name of migration in your database (see migrations table). They should be the same.