What is a woman who make a lot of fuss but does little or nothing called?

A fussbudget is “One who complains or fusses a great deal, especially about unimportant matters; a fusspot”. (Note, it doesn't denote the sex of the person.)

A specifically-female term, but with strong overtones of stridency, is virago, “Given to undue belligerence or ill manner at the slightest provocation; a shrew, a termagant” or “scolding, domineering, highly opinionated; a fishwife, a nag”. Also see shrew and fishwife (both female) and termagant (of either sex).

You could consider drama queen

(informal) a person who tends to react to every situation in an overdramatic or exaggerated manner

While there is a gender reference in the phrase, the term can be applied to either sex.

If having little energy is an essential part of your concept, this probably doesn't apply. Drama queens generally display a great deal of energy, but often little in the way of accomplishment.